All machines (2091)

Name Manufacturer Date
Frontier Bell Games January, 1981
Frontier Bally November, 1980
Frontiersman Gottlieb November, 1955
Full House Williams March, 1966
Full Throttle Heighway Pinball January, 2015
Fun Fair Gottlieb June, 1968
Fun House Williams August, 1956
Fun Land Gottlieb May, 1968
Fun Park Gottlieb August, 1968
Fun-Fair Genco March, 1958
Fun-Fest Williams February, 1973
Funhouse Williams November, 1990
Funhouse (Remake) Pedretti Gaming May, 2024
Funhouse 2.0 (Rudy's Nightmare) Pedretti Gaming November, 2021
Future Queen Bell Games January, 1987
Future Spa Bally March, 1979
Future World Zaccaria January, 1978
Galactic Tank Force (Classic) American Pinball March, 2023
Galahad Bally January, 1970
Galaxie Gottlieb January, 1971
Galaxy Sega January, 1976
Galaxy Stern Electronics January, 1980
Galaxy Play Cic Play January, 1986
Galaxy Play 2 Cic Play January, 1987
Galaxy Ranger Midway January, 1978
Gamatron Pinstar January, 1985
Gamatron Segasa January, 1986
Game of Thrones (LE) Stern November, 2015
Game of Thrones (Premium) Stern January, 2015
Game Of Thrones (Pro) Stern October, 2015
The Games Nsm June, 1985
The Games Gottlieb January, 1984
Gator Bally June, 1969
Gaucho Gottlieb January, 1963
Gay 90's Williams January, 1970
Gay Paree Williams January, 1957
Geisha Playmatic January, 1973
Geisha Playmatic January, 1973
Gemini Gottlieb January, 1978
Genesis Gottlieb January, 1986
Genesis Elbos January, 1982
Genie Gottlieb January, 1979
Georgia Williams July, 1950
Getaway Allied Leisure January, 1977
The Getaway: High Speed II Williams February, 1992
Ghostbusters (LE) Stern January, 2016
Ghostbusters (Premium) Stern January, 2016
Ghostbusters (Pro) Stern January, 2016
Gigi Gottlieb December, 1963
Gilligan's Island Bally April, 1991
Gin Chicago Coin November, 1974
Gin Rummy Gottlieb February, 1949
Gizmo Williams August, 1948
Gladiator Gottlieb January, 1956
Gladiators Gottlieb January, 1993
Glamor Gottlieb July, 1951
Global Warfare Game Plan June, 1981
Globe Trotter Gottlieb November, 1951
Go-Cart Keeney May, 1963
The Godfather Jersey Jack Pinball March, 2023
Godzilla Sega January, 1998
Godzilla (Premium/LE) Stern September, 2021
Godzilla (Pro) Stern September, 2021
Goin' Nuts Gottlieb February, 1983
Gold Ball Bally January, 1983
Gold Mine Marvel January, 1948
Gold Record Chicago Coin April, 1975
Gold Rush Williams April, 1971
Gold Rush Bally April, 1966
Gold Star Gottlieb July, 1954
Gold Strike Gottlieb January, 1975
Gold Wings Gottlieb January, 1986
Golden Arrow Gottlieb August, 1977
Golden Bells Williams February, 1959
Golden Cue Sega June, 1998
Golden Gloves Williams January, 1960
Golden Gloves Chicago Coin July, 1949
Goldeneye Sega March, 1996
Gondola Exhibit May, 1949
Gondolier Gottlieb August, 1958
Gorgar Williams January, 1979
Granada Williams March, 1972
Grand Award Chicago Coin January, 1949
Grand Champion Williams August, 1953
Grand Lizard Williams January, 1986
Grand Prix Stern June, 2005
Grand Prix Williams December, 1976
Grand Slam Bally January, 1983
Grand Slam Petaco January, 1972
Grand Slam Gottlieb April, 1953
Grand Slam Gottlieb August, 1972
Grand Slam Rally Multimorphic December, 2018
Grand Tour Bally June, 1964
Grande Domino Gottlieb November, 1968
Granny and the Gators Bally January, 1984
Green Pastures Gottlieb January, 1954
Gridiron Gottlieb December, 1977
Groovy Gottlieb July, 1970
Guardians of the Galaxy Stern November, 2017
Guardians of the Galaxy (LE) Stern December, 2017