All machines (2086)

Name Manufacturer Date
Viper Stern Electronics January, 1981
Viper Night Drivin' Sega January, 1998
Virginia Williams March, 1948
Volcano Gottlieb January, 1981
Volèe Europlay January, 1977
Volley Gottlieb August, 1976
Voltan Escapes Cosmic Doom Bally January, 1978
Vortex Taito January, 1983
Vulcan Gottlieb October, 1977
Wagon Train Gottlieb April, 1960
The Walking Dead (LE) Stern October, 2014
The Walking Dead (Premium) Stern January, 2015
The Walking Dead (Pro) Stern October, 2014
War Viza Manufacturing January, 1978
Warlok Williams January, 1982
Waterworld Gottlieb January, 1995
Weird Al's Museum of Natural Hilarity Multimorphic February, 2022
West Club Rally June, 1967
West Show A.M.I. January, 1976
Wheel of Fortune Stern October, 2007
Whirl-Wind Gottlieb December, 1957
Whirlwind Williams January, 1990
Whirlwind 2.0 Pedretti Gaming June, 2023
White Force Unidesa January, 1987
White Shark Bell Coin Matic January, 1980
White Water Williams January, 1993
Whiz Kids Chicago Coin March, 1952
WHO dunnit Bally January, 1995
The Who's Tommy Pinball Wizard Data East February, 1994
Whoa Nellie! Big Juicy Melons Stern April, 2015
Whoa Nellie! Big Juicy Melons WhizBang Pinball January, 2012
Whoopee Williams October, 1964
The Wiggler Bally August, 1967
Wild Card Williams October, 1977
Wild Fyre Stern Electronics January, 1978
Wild Life Gottlieb November, 1972
Wild Schutz Geiger January, 1980
Wild West Gottlieb August, 1951
Wild Wheels Bally February, 1966
Wild Wild West Gottlieb August, 1969
Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory Jersey Jack Pinball April, 2019
Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory (LE) Jersey Jack Pinball April, 2019
Wing Ding Williams December, 1964
Winner Williams May, 1972
Winner Sega January, 1971
Winter Sports Zaccaria January, 1978
Wipe Out Gottlieb January, 1993
Wisconsin United April, 1948
Wishing Well Gottlieb September, 1955
The Wizard of Oz Jersey Jack Pinball May, 2013
Wizard! Bally May, 1975
Wolf Man Peyper January, 1987
Wonderland Williams April, 1955
Wood's Queen (1P) Zaccaria January, 1976
Wood's Queen (2P) Zaccaria January, 1976
Wood's Queen (4P) Zaccaria January, 1976
World Beauties Gottlieb December, 1959
World Challenge Soccer Gottlieb February, 1994
World Champ Gottlieb August, 1957
World Cup Williams May, 1978
World Cup '90 Mr Game January, 1990
World Cup Soccer Bally February, 1994
World Defender Bell Games January, 1985
World Fair Gottlieb April, 1964
World Poker Tour Stern February, 2006
World Series Gottlieb August, 1972
The World Series Sankyo Seiki January, 1900
Wrath of Olympus Riot Pinball September, 2015
WrestleMania Stern January, 2015
WWF Royal Rumble Data East May, 1994
The X Files Sega September, 1997
X Force Tecnoplay January, 1987
X-Men Stern August, 2012
X-Men (LE) Stern September, 2012
X's & O's Bally January, 1983
Xenon Bally November, 1980
Yale Inder January, 1974
Yanks Williams April, 1948
Yukon Williams August, 1971
Yukon (Special) Williams October, 1971
Yuma Arizona United May, 1950
Zankor Zaccaria January, 1986
Zig Zag Williams December, 1964
Zip-A-Doo Bally August, 1970
Zira Playmatic January, 1980
Zodiac Williams August, 1971