API documentation

All OPDB data is available through a REST JSON API. You can query for data about specific machines, retrieve exports of the entire dataset or even use specialized endpoints for typeahead searching.

Not finding what you need? Let us know what API endpoints you would like to see added.


Every API endpoint with the exception of typeahead searching requires authentication. In practice it means you must:

  1. Create a user account
  2. Generate an API token

When making API request you must include an api_token parameter in your request.

Parsing OPDB IDs

A common task when interacting with the OPDB API is to parse an OPDB ID into it's separate parts. The following regular expression can be used to parse OPDB IDs


The first capturing group will contain the group identifier, the second the machine identifier and the third the alias identifier.

Search endpoints

Typeahead search


Very simple search interface meant to be used for typeahead searching. This endpoint does not require authentication and CORS is enabled. You can call this endpoint directly from your JavaScript code/domain. It will only return machines that have an OPDB id assigned (i.e. machines with a machine group). If you use the Select2 typeahead component the data is returned in the format Select2 expects

api_token Not required! Do not include!
q Required. Your search query
include_groups Boolean. Set to 1 to search groups. Defaults to 0 (don't search groups)
include_aliases Boolean. Set to 0 to avoid searching aliases. Defaults to 1 (do search aliases)

Search machines


Full featured search that will return full machine data in the results.

api_token Required. Your API token.
q Required. Your search query
require_opdb Boolean. Whether to only search machines with OPDB ids. Defaults to 1 (limit searches to machines with OPDB ids)
include_groups Boolean. Set to 1 to search groups. Defaults to 0 (don't search groups)
include_aliases Boolean. Set to 0 to avoid searching aliases. Defaults to 1 (do search aliases)
include_grouping_entries Boolean. Set to 1 to searching grouping entries that do not represent physical machines. Defaults to 0 (don't search grouping entries)
Machine endpoints

Get machine info


Get information about a machine, machine alias or machine group.

api_token Required. Your API token.
opdb_id OPDB ID of the resource you seek info about

Get machine info by IPDB ID


Get information about a machine based on its ID from the Internet Pinball Database (IPDB).

api_token Required. Your API token.
ipdb_id IPDB ID of the resource you seek info about
Export endpoints

Export machines and aliases


Export all machines and aliases as a single JSON document. Note: This endpoint is rate limited and you will only be able to request the export once per hour.

api_token Required. Your API token.

Export machine groups


Export all machine groups as a single JSON document.

api_token Required. Your API token.
Changelog endpoints

View OPDB IDchangelog


View a log of all OPDB IDs that have been deleted or moved along with the replacement OPDB ID (if any). Use this to update your database with new OPDB IDs. View changelog online.

api_token Not required! Do not include!
from Optional. Timestamp in the format YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss. If provided you will only receive changelog entries on or after this date. Use this to limit the response to entries you have not already seen.