All machines (2091)

Name Manufacturer Date
Guardians of the Galaxy (Premium) Stern December, 2017
Gulfstream Williams May, 1973
Gulfstream Segasa January, 1974
Gun Club Williams October, 1953
Gun Men Staal January, 1977
Gun Smoke Chicago Coin January, 1968
Gunner Playmatic January, 1974
Guns N' Roses Data East July, 1994
Guns N' Roses Jersey Jack Pinball October, 2020
Guns N' Roses (CE) Jersey Jack Pinball October, 2020
Guns N' Roses (LE) Jersey Jack Pinball October, 2020
Gusher Williams September, 1958
Guys Dolls Gottlieb May, 1953
Gypsy Queen Gottlieb February, 1955
Hairy Singers Rally January, 1966
Halley Comet Juegos Populares January, 1986
Halloween (SE) Spooky Pinball August, 2021
Handicap Williams June, 1952
Hang Glider Bally December, 1976
Hang-On Segasa January, 1988
Happy Clown Gottlieb November, 1964
Happy Days Gottlieb July, 1952
Happy Papeete Rally January, 1963
Happy Tour Bally June, 1964
Happy-Go-Lucky Gottlieb March, 1951
Harbor Lites Gottlieb February, 1956
Hardbody Bally March, 1987
Harem Playmatic January, 1974
Harem Cat Universal January, 1979
Harlem Globetrotters On Tour Bally August, 1978
Harley Davidson Bally February, 1991
Harley Davidson Sega January, 1999
Harley Davidson Stern January, 1999
Harley-Davidson (2nd Edition) Stern January, 2002
Harley-Davidson (3rd Edition) Stern January, 2002
Harmony Gottlieb August, 1967
Harvest Bally October, 1964
Harvest Moon Gottlieb December, 1948
Harvest Time Genco September, 1950
Harvey Williams May, 1951
Haunted House Gottlieb June, 1982
Hawaiian Beauty Gottlieb May, 1954
Hawkman Taito January, 1983
Hay-Ride Bally October, 1964
Hayburners Williams June, 1951
Hayburners II Williams August, 1968
Heads Up! Multimorphic August, 2021
Hearts and Spades Gottlieb April, 1969
Hearts Gain Inder January, 1971
Hearts Spades Allied Leisure January, 1978
Heat Wave Williams July, 1964
Heavy Metal Stern June, 2020
Heavy Metal Meltdown Bally January, 1987
Hee Haw Chicago Coin April, 1973
Heist Multimorphic March, 2020
Hell Mondialmatic January, 1980
Hercules Atari May, 1979
Hi Ball Tecnoplay January, 1988
Hi Dolly Gottlieb April, 1965
Hi Straight Keeney January, 1960
Hi-Deal Bally October, 1975
Hi-Diver Gottlieb April, 1959
Hi-Flyer Chicago Coin August, 1974
Hi-Lo Gottlieb February, 1969
Hi-Lo Ace Bally October, 1973
Hi-Score Gottlieb May, 1967
Hi-Score Pool Chicago Coin August, 1971
High Ace Segasa January, 1974
High Hand Gottlieb July, 1973
High Roller Casino Stern January, 2001
High Seas Gottlieb January, 1976
High Speed Williams January, 1986
Highways Williams March, 1961
Hit 'N' Run Gottlieb March, 1952
Hit Line Playmatic January, 1969
Hit Parade Marvel July, 1948
Hit the Deck Gottlieb January, 1978
Hits and Runs Genco March, 1951
The Hobbit Jersey Jack Pinball December, 2015
Hockey Girl Rally January, 1964
Hoe Down Allied Leisure March, 1978
Hokus Pokus Bally April, 1975
Holiday Chicago Coin December, 1948
Hollywood Williams May, 1961
Hollywood Chicago Coin February, 1976
Hollywood Heat Gottlieb June, 1986
Home Run Gottlieb May, 1971
Honey Williams May, 1972
Hong Kong Williams September, 1952
Hook Data East May, 1992
Hoopin' It Up Multimorphic March, 2019
Hoops Gottlieb February, 1991
Hootenanny Bally November, 1963
Horror Pinball Shop January, 1985
Horsefeathers Williams January, 1952
Horseshoes Williams December, 1951
Hot & Cold (1P) Inder January, 1976
Hot & Cold (4P) Inder January, 1978
Hot Diggity Williams May, 1956
Hot Fire Birds Nsm January, 1985