All machines (2080)

Name Manufacturer Date
Lucky Card Gottlieb July, 1977
Lucky Draw Mirco Games June, 1978
Lucky Fruit Zaccaria January, 1975
Lucky Hand Gottlieb June, 1977
Lucky Inning Williams May, 1950
Lucky Man Nordamatic January, 1976
Lucky Seven Williams March, 1978
Lucky Seven Williams November, 1977
Lucky Shot C.E.A. January, 1978
Lucky Smile Inder January, 1976
Lucky Strike Gottlieb November, 1975
Lucky Strike Williams August, 1965
Lulu Williams December, 1954
Lunar Shot Williams August, 1967
Mac Attack Mr Game January, 1989
Mac Jungle Maguinas / Mac Pinball March, 1987
Mac's Galaxy Maguinas / Mac Pinball March, 1986
Mach 2 Spinball January, 1994
Mad Race Playmatic January, 1985
Mad World Bally May, 1964
Mademoiselle Gottlieb October, 1959
Madison Square Gardens Gottlieb June, 1950
The Mafia Team Pinball July, 2018
Magic Playmatic January, 1973
Magic Exhibit December, 1948
Magic Stern Electronics January, 1979
Magic Castle Zaccaria January, 1984
Magic Circle Bally June, 1965
Magic City Williams January, 1967
Magic Clock Williams December, 1960
Magic Girl Zidware February, 2017
Magic Picture Pin Arkon January, 1982
Magic Town Williams February, 1967
Magic Wizard Gottlieb December, 1971
Magnotron Gottlieb August, 1974
Majestic Gottlieb February, 1957
Major League Baseball United July, 1948
Majorettes Gottlieb August, 1964
Majorettes Williams April, 1952
Majors of '49 Chicago Coin February, 1949
The Mandalorian (Premium/LE) Stern May, 2021
The Mandalorian (Pro) Stern May, 2021
Manhattan United March, 1948
Marathon Gottlieb October, 1955
Marble Queen Gottlieb June, 1953
Mardi Gras Williams October, 1962
Mardi Gras Genco May, 1948
Mariner Bally November, 1971
Mario Andretti Gottlieb January, 1995
Mars God of War Gottlieb March, 1981
Mars Trek Sonic August, 1977
Mary Shelley's Frankenstein Sega February, 1995
Maryland Williams April, 1949
Masquerade Gottlieb February, 1966
Master Stroke Recel January, 1977
Mata Hari Bally September, 1977
Mata Hari (EM) Bally May, 1977
Maverick Data East January, 1994
Mayfair Gottlieb July, 1966
Medieval Madness Williams June, 1997
Medieval Madness (Remake LE) Chicago Gaming March, 2015
Medieval Madness (Remake Royal Edition) Chicago Gaming January, 2015
Medieval Madness (Remake Special Edition) Chicago Gaming January, 2016
Medieval Madness (Remake) Chicago Gaming January, 2016
Medusa Bally February, 1981
Megaaton Playmatic January, 1984
Melody Gottlieb October, 1967
Melody Bally February, 1948
Melody Lane Gottlieb July, 1960
Memory Lane Stern Electronics June, 1978
Mephisto Unidesa January, 1987
Mercury Genco March, 1950
Mermaid Gottlieb May, 1951
Merry Widow Genco July, 1948
Merry Widow Williams October, 1963
Merry-Go-Round Gottlieb December, 1960
Messalina Rally January, 1966
Metal Man Inder January, 1992
Metallica (LE) Stern January, 2013
Metallica (Premium) Stern April, 2013
Metallica (Pro) Stern April, 2013
Metallica (Retheme) Williams January, 2013
Metallica Remastered (Premium/LE) Stern October, 2024
Meteor Stern Electronics January, 1979
Metro Williams December, 1961
Mexico 86 Zaccaria July, 1986
Mibs Gottlieb October, 1969
Michael Jordan Data East January, 1992
Middle Earth Atari February, 1978
Mikoshi Sega January, 1978
Millionaire Williams January, 1987
Mini Cycle Gottlieb February, 1970
Mini Pool Gottlieb August, 1969
MiniZag Bally November, 1968
Minstrel Man Gottlieb February, 1951
Miss Annabelle Gottlieb August, 1959
Miss Cue T Gottlieb January, 1948
Miss Nessie Sega January, 1978
Miss Universo Inder January, 1970
Miss World Komplett January, 1985